Mick Foley is of the opinion that Claudio Castagnoli deserved an opportunity to compete for a WWE title. In other news, updates about The Rock have also been released.

Mick Foley is of the opinion that Claudio Castagnoli deserved an opportunity to compete for a WWE title. In other news, updates about The Rock have also been released.
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During a recent guest spot on the “Monopoly Events” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley expressed his opinion that Claudio Castagnoli (also known as Cesaro) was deserving of a world title reign during his time with WWE.

Foley elaborated, “I held the championship three times for a total of 42 days, effectively as a transitional champion. Though I’m grateful for that opportunity, I don’t believe the absence of it would have diminished my career. In my view, Cesaro should have been afforded a tenure with the title since he reminded me so much of the old-school champions like Jack Brisco and Dory Funk. These were traveling champions who could always be relied upon to perform excellently in any match.”

On a separate note, during a recent interview on Bloomberg with Sean Evans, the host of Hot Ones, it was revealed that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has never been a guest on the show due to his lack of interest in consuming chicken wings.

Evans explained, “We’ve been attempting to invite The Rock on the show for years, and one time I received a response asking if we’d make an exception to our usual menu, and instead of wings, serve grilled salmon strips. I was certain that this suggestion must have come straight from The Rock himself. That has been our closest success at securing him as a guest, though it eventually fell through.”

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