Michael Tarver Reminisces about His Wild WWE Audition on SmackDown, Highlights from AEW Dynamite, WOW.

Michael Tarver Reminisces about His Wild WWE Audition on SmackDown, Highlights from AEW Dynamite, WOW.
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On a recent episode of the podcast “Developmentally Speaking,” ex-WWE NXT star Michael Tarver recounted his unique experience of showing up uninvited at a WWE SmackDown TV taping for a spontaneous tryout.

Highlighted moments from the podcast are as follows:

Regarding his surprising move of showing up unbidden at a WWE SmackDown taping and landing a tryout, Tarver said, “I just boldly strolled right in. Obviously, such an occurrence won’t happen again, but I walked in, got into the ring, did my tryout, was quickly drawn out (…) where he sent me to OVW.”

About his stint in OVW before transitioning to FCW, he recalled, “It was a boatload of joy. Extremely competitive. Fun-filled time. A host of lads that eventually rose to become world champions and massive superstars were all present and I had the chance to learn from them and co-work with them; made some acquaintances. It was indeed a memorable and thrilling moment.”

He further discusses his experiences at FCW, learning under Steve Keirn, Dusty Rhodes, his time with NEXUS, and much more.

Additionally, the Women of Wrestling (WOW) have shared a sneak-peak clip and lineup for their upcoming Season 2 Episode 40, which includes notable matches like Stephy Slay and Lil J-Boogie taking on The Brat Pack, Las Bandidas clashing with Chantilly Chella and Holidead, and more.

Finally, don’t miss the added highlights from the prior night’s episode of AEW Dynamite which featured an intense skirmish between MJF & Rush, a tag-team clash involving Samoa Joe & HOOK with Shibata, Mercedes Moné facing off against the rising CMLL star Zeuxis, and many more.

AEW added to the hype of the next season with a tweet exclusively revealing Billy Gunn, Platinum Max, and Bowens Official’s appearance at the upcoming #AEWCollision event in Youngstown, OH for the one year Anniversary special, promising some big reveals.