Mercedes Mone Offers Rebuttal To Stephen A. Smith Following Account On Jaylen Brown’s ‘Ego’

Mercedes Mone Offers Rebuttal To Stephen A. Smith Following Account On Jaylen Brown’s ‘Ego’
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ESPN sports analyst Stephen A. Smith recently ignited debate when he reported that an anonymous “NBA insider” relayed feelings of negativity held against Boston Celtics’ athlete Jaylen Brown because of his perceived “ego.”

Reacting to these comments, Brown articulated his wish to be acquainted with the insider identified by Smith.

Furthermore, Mercedes Mone, a native of Boston, addressed the issue and showed a similar curiosity to uncover the identity of Smith’s informant.

Mone posted the following message on Twitter, “Hey @stephenasmith, as one veteran to another, The CEO is keen to engage in conversation with your insider. @FCHWPO, from an individual who has achieved greatness to another, I’ve just clinched my championship & I’m thrilled at the prospect of seeing you succeed in yours. Maintain the positive impact you have on the sport and the community, just as you’ve been doing. Go Celtics.”

Jaylen Brown (@FCHWPO) expressed his wish to meet Smith’s source, “State your source.”

Mercedes Mone (@MercedesVarnado) also chimed in, not holding back her support for Brown or her desire to know who the source is, “Hey @stephenasmith, from one #GOAT to another, The CEO wants to sit down with your source. @FCHWPO, from one superstar to another, I just won my championship & I’m super excited to see you win yours. Keep lifting the game and the community the way you’ve been doing. Go Celtics 💚”.