Maven attributes his surge to the main event scene in WWE in 2004 to Randy Orton.

Maven attributes his surge to the main event scene in WWE in 2004 to Randy Orton.
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During 2004, WWE’s Maven made a brief but notable appearance in the prime wrestling event scene. Maven attributes his success in part to fellow WWE veteran Randy Orton.

Being included in Orton’s 2004 Survivor Series team, Maven had a stint as the Raw General Manager for one night. He even stepped into the ring to challenge Triple H for the coveted WWE World Championship.

In one of his YouTube channel episodes, Maven delves into his alliance with Orton. He details how Orton played a significant role in advancing his career within WWE.

Maven shared, “As time went by, the value that Orton provided to the company became increasingly evident. Everyone was aware of his unique talent, yet he never altered the way he treated me. Never did he make me feel less important. On the contrary, he went above and beyond to assist me. He would often suggest the writing team to utilize me diversely, providing me different roles to play.”

Maven further added, “I firmly believe that my inclusion in the 2004 Survivor Series storyline can be directly tied to his influence. Looking at the people involved, there’s one person who seems out of place. It’s not Triple H. It’s not Batista. It’s me, the odd one out.”

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