Matt Hardy Reminisces Over the Rivalry Between The Hardys, Edge-Christian, and The Dudley Boyz.

Matt Hardy Reminisces Over the Rivalry Between The Hardys, Edge-Christian, and The Dudley Boyz.
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In a recent episode of his “Extreme Life” podcast, Matt Hardy, a seasoned wrestler under TNA, took listeners back to the unforgettable rivalry between The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, and The Dudley Boyz. They discussed their high-octane TLC matches, among other things. A quick recap of the podcast highlights is as follows:

Hardy touched on the necessity of bringing tables into their rivalry with Edge & Christian and The Dudleys. According to him, the inclusion of tables breathed new life into their matches, especially since The Dudley Boyz had already established their reputation in table matches from their ECW days. It took some time for them to incorporate chairs into the mix, but it gave them more ammunition to devise different, interesting ways to use them in their fights. The Hardy Boyz readily took up the challenge, seeing it as an opportunity to showcase their strength and creativity.

On the topic of Bubba’s contribution into brainstorming ideas for their matches, Hardy praised him highly. From Hardy’s perspective, Bubba had great ingenuity and always delivered thought-provoking ideas. Conversations between the teams often involved Matt, Bubba, Christian, and Edge with some specific suggestions from the less interactive members like Jeff and D-Von.

Regarding Bubba’s standing in the eyes of Vince McMahon, Hardy believed that while Bubba didn’t fit McMahon’s archetypal wrestler mold, he saw Bubba’s potential given his business acumen and strategy.

A recording of the podcast is available for fans to listen to the entire conversation.