‘Matt Hardy opines that life is too brief to concern oneself with conflicts between CM Punk and The Elite’

‘Matt Hardy opines that life is too brief to concern oneself with conflicts between CM Punk and The Elite’
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In recent news, wrestling superstar Matt Hardy touched upon the rift between CM Punk and The Elite that heightened during the All Out 2022 event. Hardy gave his perspective on the strain that had developed between these renowned figures in the world of wrestling.

Punk and the Elite group got embroiled in a heated incident backstage after voicing harsh statements during a post-show press forum. This led to temporary suspension for all those involved.

During a recent broadcast of the “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Hardy was questioned about which side he would take if necessary. However, Hardy stated that he had left the incident behind him. His exact words were:

“At the end of the day, I don’t have a problem with Punk. I don’t agree with how that episode unfolded, but if I were to lend my support to anyone, it would be the Bucks and The Elite.

“Although I don’t care about the matter anymore. I recently chatted with Ace Steel at TV, we said our hellos and reassured each other that everything is fine. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone – life is too short for such negativity. I believe we should focus on the present, get over our past, and concentrate primarily on our individual lives and activities.”

Following the incident, The Elite returned to AEW Full Gear in November 2022 and Punk made his comeback in June 2023, coinciding with the release of AEW Collision.

Punk faced another backstage incident with Jack Perry and was subsequently dismissed from AEW right before All Out 2023. After this period, Punk landed back at WWE and has reportedly had a smooth sailing since.