“Matt Hardy genuinely believed that the incident in Montreal was staged.”

“Matt Hardy genuinely believed that the incident in Montreal was staged.”
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy,” TNA veteran Matt Hardy shared his thoughts on the notorious Montreal Screwjob. This event, which took place at Survivor Series 1997, saw Vince McMahon betray Bret Hart during the WWF Title match against Shawn Michaels.

According to Hardy, the incident was a result of Hart’s impending departure to WCW and his reluctance to lose to Michaels. Key moments from the episode are highlighted below:

During the podcast, Hardy discussed Vince McMahon’s decision to position Shawn as the star of the company: “With Shawn, I believe Vince still had his finger on the pulse of what was happening. He understood how wrestling was evolving, and the demand for more athletic wrestlers in the ring during matches. Unlike the Rock and Roll era, which was more centered on the entertainment factor and two larger athletes who might not have been as agile, he noticed that ability was becoming significant.”

“The way Shawn would command a crowd and their attention was unique,” Hardy added. “He was a good-looking guy who was incredibly amazing at what he did. He bumped and sold in such a believable way that I think Vince realized wrestling was shifting a bit, and that Shawn could be one of his leading guys.”

Regarding the Montreal Screwjob, Hardy said, “I wasn’t there, but we were keenly following every Pay-Per-View event at the time. From my perspective, when it first happened, I thought it was staged. The execution was flawless and I thought if it was a setup, everyone ended up winning.”

“I was shocked to learn that it was real. It was surprising to learn of the final outcome – that they had indeed executed it in real life and Bret had been really cornered and lost the title that way. From my standpoint, if Bret had this great deal and was moving on to WCW, he should have just put personal feelings aside, finished up, and handed the title back to Shawn if that’s what Vince wanted. Initially, I truly believed it was a setup. If it had been, it would have been ingenious.”

Below is the embedded podcast episode: