Matt Hardy Dissects AJ Styles’ Journey to WWE Main Event Fame

Matt Hardy Dissects AJ Styles’ Journey to WWE Main Event Fame
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In the latest episode of his podcast titled “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy”, TNA veteran Matt Hardy discussed the acclaimed career of AJ Styles. He emphasized the importance of constant reinvention and personal development in the field of professional wrestling.

Key insights from the podcast are provided below:

Speaking on the crucial reimagining AJ underwent in 2013, Hardy acknowledged that reinvention in pro-wrestling is crucial. He noted that after a decade with TNA, it was the right time for AJ to switch directions and keep his character fresh. He compared AJ’s situation to that of Bryan Cranston, who brilliantly portrayed Walter White in the series “Breaking Bad”, suggesting that in pro wrestling, a character needs to evolve and change in order to stay fresh and enlisted new fans.

He also highlighted that sometimes a change of scene can be beneficial. Hardy stated that moving to a different environment or introducing a new persona can add a fresh vibe to a wrestler’s routine.

Regarding AJ becoming the WWE Champion, Hardy deemed it a result of AJ’s tremendous talent. He critiqued Vince McMahon’s traditional perspective that wrestlers need to be large in stature to draw the audience’s attention. While acknowledging that a part of the audience does get attracted to bigger figures, Hardy noted that times have changed and people now desire more athletic competitions.

Matthew also praised AJ’s talent and hard work in the ring, which he believed resonated with fans as their mentality had evolved over time. He cited the example of Jerry Lynn and imagined that if Lynn had arrived a decade or two later, his story might have been different due to the audience’s acceptance of accomplished wrestling skills.