Matt Cardona Unveils His Top Four Wrestlers, Sets Countdown for Emergence Livestream

Matt Cardona Unveils His Top Four Wrestlers, Sets Countdown for Emergence Livestream
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Professional wrestler Matt Cardona recently unveiled his top four wrestling figures during a discussion on Dr. Beau Hightower’s YouTube platform. His list includes the legendary Hulk Hogan, technically gifted Shawn Michaels, the eccentric “Macho Man” Randy Savage, and the impactful Edge.

Cardona explained during the discussion, “The people that I have chosen have greatly impacted my career and personal life. Hogan has to be on this list. Edge’s presence is indisputable – without him, I wouldn’t be sitting here. I likely would’ve been let go by WWE in 2007, and I’m unsure of what I’d be doing currently – perhaps working in a local gym in Long Island.”

He further clarified his chosen icons, “Macho Man’s influence is undeniable. I’ve always admired his constantly changing ring attire, requiring close inspection to identify a repeat outfit. His attention to detail where everything from his hat, to his glasses, down to his jacket were coordinated was something unique. Shawn Michaels is also a must-have on this list. He was among the first villains that I found myself fond of, and I didn’t understand why I rooted for the bad guy. In hindsight, his proficiency in the ring and his ability to elevate any match was the reason.”

During the Countdown to Emergence livestream, two exciting bouts took place: A confrontation between PCO and Matt Cardona’s Monster, and a match featuring KUSHIDA versus Frankie Kazarian.

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