Matt Cardona states that The Miz often goes unrecognized for his talent, also, an interesting tidbit about Piper Niven and Drew McIntyre.

Matt Cardona states that The Miz often goes unrecognized for his talent, also, an interesting tidbit about Piper Niven and Drew McIntyre.
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Professional wrestler Matt Cardona feels that his colleague The Miz doesn’t receive the kudos he deserves for his work in the wrestling industry.

In a recent appearance on “The Wrestling Matt” podcast, Cardona, also known by his alias Zack Ryder, commended The Miz’s ability to handle diverse roles with finesse. Expressing his admiration, he stated:

“The Miz is exceedingly gifted in multiple domains. He is a born networker with an innate ability to converse effortlessly. He is one of those rare individuals who can manage media appearances, work in films and television, and put on an impressive show in the wrestling ring.”

He further elaborated on his experiences, “I have fond memories of my matches with Miz, one that truly stands out was held at Madison Square Garden. While it may make me seem like a veteran, the truth is that match was impromptu, with Miz taking the lead. His time as John Cena’s contender has honed his skills, making him an exceptionally talented wrestler. His contributions are often overlooked.”

Meanwhile, Piper Niven extols the virtues of Drew McIntyre for his role in the successful WWE Clash of the Castle event in Glasow, Scotland last Saturday.

WWE UK’s official Twitter handle shared a video featuring Niven and McIntyre discussing the mega event:

Lastly, WWE shared a unique video that highlighted every current champion in the company:

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