Matt Cardona Discusses His Motivation Behind Starting Z! True Long Island Story, The Brooklyn Brawler Reflects on His Legacy.

Matt Cardona Discusses His Motivation Behind Starting Z! True Long Island Story, The Brooklyn Brawler Reflects on His Legacy.
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Formerly known as Zack Ryder in WWE, Matt Cardona initiated his ‘Z! True Long Island Story’ YouTube series. His motivations behind the inception of the show were recently discussed during his appearance on the “Wrestling with Freddie” podcast.

Highlights from the podcast are as follows:

Regarding his position in WWE at that time: “Though I’d been with WWE for several years, and while being there was indeed my dream, I didn’t aspire to merely be a roster member. Though it was certainly cool being a WWE superstar, that wasn’t the superstar status I yearned for.”

Explaining why he started the show: “Despite my accomplishments, I constantly strive for more, not from a place of dissatisfaction but aspiration. We only live once, as they say, YOLO, and I believe in seizing the day. If not now, then when?”

In the same vein, Steve “The Brooklyn Brawler” Lombardi guest-starred on the “Insight with Chris Van Vliet” podcast where he discussed a range of topics, including his potential induction into the WWE Hall of Fame and his professional wrestling legacy.

Notable excerpts from the podcast include:

Regarding a potential WWE Hall of Fame induction: “In my opinion, the Brooklyn Brawler has made significant contributions and has received numerous accolades, enough to warrant a Hall of Fame induction. Though the decision rests with the WWE and despite it not causing me sleepless nights, I believe my induction is inevitable. My only wish is that it doesn’t happen posthumously … My career is something nobody can take away from me.”

On his wrestling legacy: “Living my dream, I wouldn’t alter a single thing about my life. Everyone has their perception of my legacy – you, WWE – but I am certain that my contributions and achievements in the company surpass that of many others.”

NOTE: Should you have any podcast recaps or news tips you’d like us to post (credit will be fully attributed), feel free to reach out to us via my email at [email protected].