Matt Cardona and Steph De Lander make a comeback to TNA, while Queen Aminata discusses her recent signing with AEW.

Matt Cardona and Steph De Lander make a comeback to TNA, while Queen Aminata discusses her recent signing with AEW.
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AEW wrestler Queen Aminata became the first African-born woman to sign with a major wrestling promotion, and she discussed the topic during a recent appearance on the “AEW Unrestricted” podcast.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On signing with AEW: “Coming from Guinea, I wouldn’t say there’s nothing special about it but there’s so much more because people from here don’t know Guinea. They know Africa, but it’s like, Africa, you know what I mean? I just wanted to give them something that they don’t know, tell them a story without talking to them that is showing them, hey this is where I’m from, but this is what you get. Especially with being signed, this is a bigger company that has a major platform for me, so what a better way for me to just express myself and show people my culture, my accent, and how proud I am to walk in there with my cape.”

On fans questioning her authenticity: “It’s funny sometimes because some fans will be like, ‘Oh my God, that’s just a fake accent, are you really from Africa?’ I’m like, ‘Yes honey, I was born and raised in Africa. I still go back.’ I just had bigger dreams than I could realize in Africa, so I just took a chance on me and I gave it my all. I feel like I have two homes now, I have the USA and I have Africa. I’m happy to be here, at the same time I miss home. I’m so thankful for everything I’m building here and I know there is many more to come.”

Steph De Lander and Matt Cardona returned to TNA on Thursday’s episode of TNA Impact, with De Lander earning a Knockouts Title match.

De Lander returned to compete in the 8-4-1 match on Thursday’s show to determine a #1 contender to the Knockouts Champion, replacing Ash By Elegance and reaching the final four.

When the match went to a fatal four-way, Cardona returned to help De Lander win and earn a Knockouts Title match against Jordynne Grace.

De Lander will challenge Grace at TNA Rebellion on April 20.

You can check out some highlights from the match below:

AEW wrestler Queen Aminata has made history by becoming the first African-born woman to sign with a major wrestling promotion. In a recent appearance on the “AEW Unrestricted” podcast, she discussed her journey and the significance of her signing with AEW.

Coming from Guinea, Queen Aminata understands that many people may not be familiar with her home country. She saw her signing with AEW as an opportunity to showcase her culture and heritage to a wider audience. She expressed her excitement about being part of a bigger company that provides a major platform for her to express herself and represent her roots proudly.

However, Queen Aminata has faced some skepticism from fans who question the authenticity of her accent and background. She addressed these doubts by confirming that she was indeed born and raised in Africa and still maintains a connection to her home country. She explained that she had bigger dreams than what she could achieve in Africa, which led her to take a chance on herself and pursue her wrestling career in the United States. Despite being happy in her new home, she also expressed missing her African roots and being thankful for everything she has built in both the USA and Africa.

In other wrestling news, Steph De Lander and Matt Cardona made their return to TNA on a recent episode of TNA Impact. De Lander competed in the 8-4-1 match to determine a #1 contender for the Knockouts Championship. With Cardona’s help, De Lander emerged victorious and earned a title match against Jordynne Grace at TNA Rebellion on April 20.

The return of De Lander and Cardona has generated excitement among wrestling fans, as they look forward to seeing their favorite wrestlers back in action. The TNA Wrestling Twitter account shared highlights from their return, further building anticipation for the upcoming match.

Overall, the wrestling world is abuzz with Queen Aminata’s historic signing with AEW and the return of Steph De Lander and Matt Cardona to TNA. These developments not only showcase the talent and diversity within the wrestling industry but also provide opportunities for underrepresented voices to be heard and celebrated.