Mark Henry’s Positive Review of Daniel Garcia and the Difficulties of Managing a Large AEW Roster

Mark Henry’s Positive Review of Daniel Garcia and the Difficulties of Managing a Large AEW Roster
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On a recent edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, AEW broadcaster Mark Henry heaped praise on Daniel Garcia and explained the difficulties involved in booking and managing such a big roster in AEW.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On booking in AEW: “Booking is a delicate thing, and it’s harder than it looks when you’ve got 75-100 people and you’re trying to appease people and also trying to make stories come together. There’s so many people that you cannot allow everybody to win — there’s got to be a winner and a loser.”

On the talent of Daniel Garcia: “Daniel Garcia is in that category of young guys where you look and he’s got a lot of wrestling ahead of him … wait your turn, you’re gonna get your shot. If I was ever gonna start a wrestling company, Daniel Garcia is one of the guys I would roll with. It’s about his future and not right now. In my opinion, Daniel Garcia is a guy that I don’t take a lot of stock in him having a loss here and there because of his youth and where his future is gonna be.”

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In a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, AEW broadcaster Mark Henry discussed the challenges of booking and managing a large roster in All Elite Wrestling (AEW). He also took the opportunity to praise the talent of Daniel Garcia, a young wrestler in the company.

Booking in AEW is no easy task, according to Henry. With a roster of 75-100 people, it becomes difficult to please everyone and create cohesive storylines. Inevitably, not everyone can come out as winners in every match or storyline. The delicate balance of booking requires careful consideration and decision-making.

However, Henry specifically highlighted the potential of Daniel Garcia. He sees Garcia as a young talent with a bright future ahead of him. If Henry were to start his own wrestling company, Garcia would be one of the wrestlers he would choose to work with. Despite any losses Garcia may experience at this stage in his career, Henry believes that his youth and potential outweigh any setbacks.

It’s important to note that Garcia’s losses should not be seen as a reflection of his abilities or potential. Instead, they are part of his journey as a young wrestler, and his future success is what matters most.

For fans of professional wrestling, it’s always exciting to see young talents like Daniel Garcia being recognized and praised by industry veterans like Mark Henry. It indicates that there is a promising future ahead for Garcia and that he has the potential to make a significant impact in the wrestling world.

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Overall, the podcast discussion shed light on the challenges of booking in AEW and highlighted the potential of Daniel Garcia as a rising star in the wrestling industry. It’s always fascinating to hear insights from industry insiders like Mark Henry and see how they view and evaluate talent within the wrestling world.