Mark Henry shares his conversation with Vince McMahon about his switch to AEW.

Mark Henry shares his conversation with Vince McMahon about his switch to AEW.
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During a fresh episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, renowned WWE Hall of Famer, Mark Henry, offered his insights into an assortment of subjects. He notably elaborated on his A&E Biography: WWE Legends documentary.

In a fascinating reveal, the established ex-WWE Superstar shared his conversation with Vince McMahon regarding his decision to join AEW.

Here are a few key excerpts from the podcast:

On his conversation with Vince McMahon about moving to AEW: Henry stated, “I let Vince know, ‘Hey, man, I’m heading over there with the intent to improve that space demographically, even if it means defeating your program’s ratings.’ (laughs) Vince responded, ‘I anticipate you will.’ It didn’t lead to any disagreements or quarrels. Our relationship concluded on amicable terms. I believe that this is a lesson that many need to grasp. Every circumstance has a lifespan.”

On his status as a member of the WWE family: “Absolutely, I consider myself part of the family. The topic we are discussing at this moment is a WWE initiative. They’re the ones who brought it to fruition, I’m familiar with all the guys involved… and I am pushing for visibility. In the future, I am hoping to invite the makers to share their experiences. There were segments from our year and a half long journey which didn’t make it to the final cut. I am curious to ask them some questions regarding this.”

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