Mark Henry is of the opinion that Ricochet needed to display more assertiveness during his WWE stint.

Mark Henry is of the opinion that Ricochet needed to display more assertiveness during his WWE stint.
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According to WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry, Ricochet could have progressed further in WWE if he had been more assertive with the creative team.

Although Ricochet has claimed the Intercontinental and U.S. Champion titles, many think his career in WWE didn’t reflect his extraordinary in-ring prowess.

Henry shared his thoughts about Ricochet’s career during a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast. He stated,

“It’s easy to put Ricochet in the shadows because he’s a good guy. He’s extremely professional, and he doesn’t like stirring up trouble or creating a fuss.

“Ricochet is not a troublemaker, but there were at least three occasions he should have put his foot down and said, ‘No, I’m not losing to him. If he can beat me fair and square, then sure. But I’ve been too patient, and you’re going to write me off. I would’ve told them so.’

Ricochet has allegedly notified the WWE management that he has no intention of renewing his contract, which is set to end later this year.

On the recent episode of RAW, Ricochet was assaulted by Bron Breakker and taken out on a stretcher, a move that many think was WWE’s way of removing Ricochet from their programming.