Mark Henry Assesses Who Currently Holds the Position of Top WWE Protagonist.

Mark Henry Assesses Who Currently Holds the Position of Top WWE Protagonist.
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Mark Henry, a WWE Hall of Fame inductee, recently expressed his thoughts on the biggest babyfaces in WWE during a conversation on “Busted Open Radio” podcast. Henry shared his belief that, at present, Cody Rhodes is the leading babyface, though he also drew attention to the positive fan reception received by Roman Reigns since his comeback.

Below are some noteworthy points from the podcast discussion:

When asked on who currently stands as the preeminent babyface in WWE, Henry stated, “In my opinion, it still has to be Cody Rhodes. Even though Roman enters the ring to confront Cody and leaves without instigating any trouble, saying something along the lines of ‘I have no issues with you’, that in itself is quite atypical of a babyface. In many ways, it can lead to a slight confusion regarding his character.”

Discussing Roman Reigns’ reactions from the crowd, he stated, “I am curious to see how long Roman will continue to garner such reactions. At times, I wonder if he will harness this reaction as a strategical tool in his game. Because of this lingering thought, I hesitate to label him as the quintessential babyface, even though the audiences are reacting to him like he is.”