Mark Briscoe Shares Insights on Collaborating with Tony Khan

Mark Briscoe Shares Insights on Collaborating with Tony Khan
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During an interview with Under the Ring, Mark Briscoe discussed working with AEW President Tony Khan behind the scenes.

He also shared his positive thoughts on Khan, describing him as both ‘authentic’ and ‘enthusiastic’. He said,

Well, to work with Tony, it’s an absolute pleasure. He’s one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met in my life. He’s genuine, he’s passionate, and I love that dude. Tony is the man. As far as behind the scenes, there is so many hard working people at AEW. It’s hard to even start naming any because there are so many, and I don’t wanna leave anybody out, but it’s such an awesome crew. Just talking about Tony specifically, his energy sets the tone for the whole company. It’s a really awesome crew with some really awesome people. Tony, he’s the man, he’s one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met in my life. It’s a really great work environment, it beats sitting at a desk.

Mark Briscoe, a professional wrestler, recently spoke about his experience working with Tony Khan, the President of All Elite Wrestling (AEW). In an interview with Under the Ring, Briscoe expressed his admiration for Khan and described him as both authentic and enthusiastic.

Briscoe began by praising Khan, stating that working with him is an absolute pleasure. He went on to say that Khan is one of the nicest human beings he has ever met in his life. This genuine and passionate nature of Khan has left a lasting impression on Briscoe.

According to Briscoe, there are numerous hardworking individuals behind the scenes at AEW, making it difficult to name them all without leaving anyone out. However, he emphasized that the crew at AEW is truly awesome. Briscoe specifically highlighted Tony Khan’s energy, which sets the tone for the entire company. This positive energy creates a great work environment for everyone involved.

Briscoe further expressed his appreciation for the people he works with at AEW. He reiterated his admiration for Tony Khan, stating that he is one of the nicest individuals he has ever encountered. Briscoe also mentioned that working in such a dynamic and exciting environment beats sitting at a desk any day.

The comments made by Mark Briscoe shed light on the positive work environment and leadership at AEW. Tony Khan’s authenticity and enthusiasm have made a significant impact on those working alongside him. The collaborative and supportive atmosphere created by Khan and the rest of the AEW crew contribute to the success of the company.

AEW has gained popularity in recent years as a major competitor to WWE. With its focus on showcasing talented wrestlers and providing an alternative to traditional wrestling promotions, AEW has garnered a dedicated fan base. The positive work environment described by Briscoe reflects the company’s commitment to creating a thriving and enjoyable atmosphere for its employees.

In conclusion, Mark Briscoe’s interview provides insight into his experience working with AEW President Tony Khan. Briscoe’s admiration for Khan’s authenticity and enthusiasm highlights the positive work environment at AEW. The collaboration and support among the crew members contribute to the success of the company. AEW’s commitment to creating a thriving work environment sets it apart from other wrestling promotions and contributes to its growing popularity.