Mansoor and Mace Request Dijak and Baron Corbin to Depart from WWE.

Mansoor and Mace Request Dijak and Baron Corbin to Depart from WWE.
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The past WWE superstar, Mansoor, amusingly responded to a fan’s question on social media pertaining to Dijak and Baron Corbin being missing since the WWE Draft. Mansoor shared an entertaining video where he and Mace flaunt their middle fingers, sardonically saying “Leave” and aiming it towards Dijak and Corbin.

Post the WWE Draft that took place in April, Corbin was transferred to the SmackDown team while Dijak was selected for RAW. Dijak has been missing in action on RAW ever since, and Corbin has featured a solitary time on SmackDown.

According to information from an earlier report by eWn, Dijak’s professional contract is nearing its expiration. He is presumed to have begun early talks with WWE about a potential contract renewal.

Below, Mansoor’s hilarious tweet response can be seen:

(Embedded Tweet):
— Mansoor (@suavemansoor) June 8, 2024”