Madusa – ‘The Wrestler Movie Scared The Piss Out Of Me’

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In a recent interview with GAW TV, WWE Hall of Famer Madusa shared her experience watching the 2008 film, The Wrestler. 

Madusa noted that the film “scared the piss” out of her. She said,


“When I first saw [The Wrestler] way back when, … I turned to my husband and I said, ‘There’s no effing way I’m ever doing that. It scared me to death, like when I saw that movie and you saw … the old men and ladies … around the table with the catheter bags and were signing, were just waiting for a few bucks.”

“I was like, ‘Oh my God, I so don’t want to do that…I never even watched a [wrestling] show from 2001 up until I was inducted into the Hall of Fame. That movie scared the piss out of me.”

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