Liv Morgan Boasts About Ending Becky Lynch’s Career, Teases Zelina Vega

Liv Morgan Boasts About Ending Becky Lynch’s Career, Teases Zelina Vega
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In the aftermath of their heated dust-up on Monday Night RAW, Liv Morgan took the spat to the Twitter sphere. Morgan posted a snapshot featuring her and her in-ring adversary, Zelina Vega. She aimed to challenge Vega’s derisive remarks centered around Dominik Mysterio dubbed as “sloppy seconds.”

Displaying firm resolve, Morgan fired back with a tweet, stating, “Recall, you regard me with admiration whenever you talk to me and I look down on you. Quite fitting. Anticipating seeing you in Boston on Monday, @ZelinaVegaWWE. By the way, if Daddy Dom is deemed as sloppy seconds, I’ll gladly have 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, and 6ths.”

USA Network, recently commemorated a decade of Becky Lynch’s successful journey in WWE NXT via a tweet. Duly noting Lynch’s meteoric rise to stardom within the wrestling arena. However, Morgan used this opportunity to reiterate her notable feat of retiring Becky Lynch from the wrestling ring.

Morgan responded, “She was popular until the point I retired her.”