Lio Rush plans on using the next 12 months to remind fans that he is one of the best wrestlers competing in the industry today.
On a recent edition of the “Unscriptify” podcast, Rush said that in 2024, he plans on showing the world just how good he truly is. He said,
“You can expect Lio Rush to tear it up like he always does. In 2024, I’m looking to step back out there and just put a little reminder out there that I am one of the best wrestlers in the world if not the best wrestler in the world. Out of sight is out of mind, so I know that there’s a lot of people out there that think they are the person but you don’t realize if you’re the person until you step in the ring with the person so, we’ll see.”
2023 was quite the year for Rush, who competed in New Japan, GCW and Impact Wrestling and had a brief reign as X-Division Champion in the latter promotion.
Rush’s most recent match came last week and saw Lio defeat fellow WWE-alum Samuray Del Sol at the Prestige Roseland 7 event.
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Lio Rush, a professional wrestler, has announced his plans to make a strong comeback in 2024 and remind fans of his exceptional skills. In a recent episode of the “Unscriptify” podcast, Rush expressed his determination to prove himself as one of the best wrestlers in the world.
Rush confidently stated, “You can expect Lio Rush to tear it up like he always does. In 2024, I’m looking to step back out there and just put a little reminder out there that I am one of the best wrestlers in the world if not the best wrestler in the world.”
Acknowledging that being out of sight can lead to being out of mind, Rush emphasized that true greatness is only realized when one steps into the ring with the best. He challenged his competitors to face him and see for themselves.
Looking back at 2023, Rush had an eventful year. He competed in various promotions such as New Japan, GCW, and Impact Wrestling. In Impact Wrestling, he even held the X-Division Championship for a brief period. Rush’s most recent victory came at the Prestige Roseland 7 event, where he defeated Samuray Del Sol, another former WWE wrestler.
Rush’s determination to prove himself is evident in his active participation across different promotions and his continuous pursuit of excellence. He aims to showcase his skills and remind fans of his undeniable talent in the wrestling industry.
For wrestling enthusiasts who want to stay updated with all the latest news, eWrestlingNews.com provides comprehensive coverage. Additionally, fans can follow eWrestlingNews on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates.
As Lio Rush gears up for his comeback in 2024, fans eagerly await his return to the ring and anticipate witnessing his exceptional wrestling abilities once again.