Linda McMahon Addresses Her Backing for WWE Hall of Famer and Convicted Criminal, Donald Trump.

Linda McMahon Addresses Her Backing for WWE Hall of Famer and Convicted Criminal, Donald Trump.
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Linda McMahon, a notable figure at the Republican National Convention happening in Milwaukee, WI, partook in a discussion on the ‘Going Ringside’ podcast on Thursday. The conversation was around her unwavering allegiance to the infamous convicted criminal and ex-president of the United States, Donald Trump.

Some may not know that McMahon is at the helm as Chair of the America First Policy Institute, an organization established in 2021 fashioned as a ‘think tank’. Its aim centers around advocating public policy that is in tune with the agenda of the previous president. Interestingly, McMahon is no stranger to the Trump administration, having previously held the position of administrator for the Small Business Administration (SBA).

In a conversation with Scott Johnson, Linda McMahon was asked about her family’s well-being considering the startling events that unfolded in WWE in recent times. She replied emphatically,“We are all in high spirits. Thank you. We’re doing great.”.

When it comes to her illustrious appointment to Trump’s cabinet in 2016, McMahon recalled“A call from the Trump Tower after his election as president, led me to meeting with him. During our discussion, he proposed a unique idea. He sought to have someone who has had firsthand experience in running a business to administer the SBA, thereby truly understanding the nuances surrounding start-ups and the factors that influence them positively or negatively. And much to my surprise, he wanted me to consider the post.”

The comparison of politics to the wrestling scene intrigued Linda, to which she replied, “Though a physical ring isn’t involved, I am now exceptionally pleased to contribute to AFPI. In my role as Chair, we are devising policy. We have an affiliated C4 organization, America First Works, which is focused on canvassing voters, discussing their choice, and ensuring Trump’s victory in the elections.”

Vince McMahon – Linda’s husband, and former WWE Chairman – is currently under federal scrutiny after allegations made by Janel Grant, a former WWE employee. Once the lawsuit was made public, Vince resigned forthright.

While Linda and Vince are legally married, they’ve been living separately. However, they continue their close relationship with none other than Donald Trump himself.

Linda McMahon, Hulk Hogan, and Donald Trump are expected to deliver speeches at the Republican National Convention later today.