Lex Luger Commends Bron Breakker as Paul Heyman and Others Bid Farewell to Kayla Braxton

Lex Luger Commends Bron Breakker as Paul Heyman and Others Bid Farewell to Kayla Braxton
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On a recent episode of the “Lex Expressed” podcast, renowned professional wresting icon, Lex Luger, heaped accolades on WWE’s rising star, Bron Breakker. Extolling Breakker’s unbounded potential, he stated,

“Bron possesses a potential that is boundless. He has invested adequate time in mastering his skills and now he’s playing with the big leagues. Observing him hitting the ropes at the speed of 23 mph brings me joy…He’s a human dynamite. His talent is unparalleled. However, his handlers need to be vigilant… Lessons can be drawn from Brock Lesnar’s trajectory. A unique character like Bron can be nurtured into someone really special. In my opinion, they’ve not yet taught him how to perform convincingly, something I feel is important. As he’s new in the big ring, I feel he wants to perform impeccably for his colleagues. He needs to strike a balance where he appears to be a brute force, yet sells the bouts believably, without overselling. He needs to learn that balance. At times, he just needs to overpower certain opponents… his fights need to encapsulate what they aim to project him as.”

WWE recently released a video clip where Kayla Braxton is seen bidding adieu to her fellow workers backstage which includes prominent figures like The Miz, Paul Heyman, LA Knight, Nia Jax, and Bayley.

In the video, Bayley renders out loud a note penned by Braxton herself. It says,

“Kayla Braxton, your absence will be felt. Indeed, Paul Heyman is a fortunate man. The best professional decision Michael Cole made was… I see what you’re getting at. Yes, all those things might happen. Perhaps, Michael will feel your absence. I will not miss the persistent noise in the locker room. But that doesn’t mean I won’t stay in touch, I’ll text you.”

(Video Link)

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