Legal representatives for Vince McMahon submit motion regarding ‘material facts’ in the lawsuit involving Janel Grant.

Legal representatives for Vince McMahon submit motion regarding ‘material facts’ in the lawsuit involving Janel Grant.
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Vince McMahon’s legal representatives have recently submitted a filing presenting a set of “material facts”, as part of their effort to shift the lawsuit lodged by Janel Grant into arbitration proceedings.

Previously reported by eWn, it was noted that Grant initiated litigation against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and the WWE in the month of January, alleging McMahon of sex trafficking, rape, and other charges.

In the early part of the week, a procedural motion was made by the legal team of McMahon, with the primary aim of pushing their request for arbitration.

Refer to the enumerated “material facts” below:

1. Both the plaintiff, Janel Grant, and McMahon, known collectively as “the Parties”, had a relationship that lasted for three years, which came to an end around January 2022, as noted in McMahon’s sworn testimony that supported his move to push for arbitration, which was officially given on 18th April 2024. (Refer to Document Record 30-2)

2. Throughout the entirety of the relationship, the plaintiff occupied the same high-end apartment complex as the defendant, as per plaintiff’s lawsuit. (Refer to Document Record 1)

3. Upon the termination of the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant, a contract labeled ‘Confidential Settlement Agreement, General Release and Covenant Not to Sue’ (referred to hereafter as ‘the Agreement’) was mutually agreed upon.

4. Prior to the engagement of legal representatives for the negotiation of the Agreement, the plaintiff herself solidified the monetary compensation that would be paid to her as part of the Agreement, from the initial ,000,000 proposed by defendant, to a revised amount of ,000,000.

5. Both Parties were represented by legal professionals during the drafting and negotiation of the Agreement: the plaintiff was represented by Jonathan M. Shapiro of Aeton Law Partners LLP while the defendant was represented by Jerry S. McDevitt of K&L Gates.

Should you be aware of anyone who is subject to abuse, or in the event that you have been a victim of sexual misconduct, aid is accessible. Dial 1-800-656-4673 to reach the National Sexual Assault Hotline.