Legal proceedings of Janel Grant against Vince McMahon put on hold for half a Year.

Legal proceedings of Janel Grant against Vince McMahon put on hold for half a Year.
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There is an ongoing legal battle involving Janel Grant, who pressed charges against Vince McMahon, WWE, as well as John Laurinaitis. However, the legal proceedings have been stagnated for the upcoming six months.

In previous reports from eWn, it was informed that Grant had agreed to put her lawsuit – which brought forth allegations of sex trafficking, sexual harassment and several other charges – on hold. This was at this request of the United States Justice Department (DOJ), who have launched their confidential inquiry into the previous WWE Chairman.

Added information provided by Wrestlenomics is that the presiding judge over this case has consented to this interim halt.

The legal counsel for Vince McMahon issued an articulate statement on the subject:

“Mr. McMahon is looking forward to the opportunity to refute Ms. Grant’s accusations as untrue and debunk her falsehoods. He, however, didn’t contest the government’s proposal to momentarily halt the proceedings in relation to the WWE-related investigation. After the pause period of six months, when his legal team gains access to discovery and is able to question Ms. Grant and other parties, the evidence will prove that the relationship was one of mutual consent and that Ms. Grant’s allegations are unfounded and the spiteful ramblings of a scorned lover.”

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