Learn about Randy Orton’s U.S. Marines Dismissal in the upcoming A&E Biography: Legends

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In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Randy Orton spoke about the upcoming A&E Biography: Legends episode on him and what fans can expect. He said,

“I dug a little deeper on some of these questions. It’s not the same old s*** that you’ve already heard for two decades. I talked more about what that bad conduct discharge from the United States Marine Corps was all about. Now you’ll know what happened to lead up to that.

“I’m not as closed off as Undertaker was. But I haven’t done enough of letting people in. I’m older, a little more mature, and letting the fans get to know me better is only a good thing.”

Orton joined the Marines after graduating High School in 1998. He received a bad conduct discharge after going AWOL twice and disobeying an order.

In the interview, Orton also discussed the allegations against Vince McMahon and said the claims of misconduct leveled against the ex-Chairman hurt his heart.

You can check out a clip from the upcoming A&E Biography: Legends below.

Randy Orton Opens Up About His Past in A&E Biography: Legends Episode

In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, WWE superstar Randy Orton discussed the upcoming A&E Biography: Legends episode on him and what fans can expect. Orton promised that the episode would delve deeper into his life, revealing new information that fans may not be aware of.

Orton, known for his enigmatic persona in the wrestling world, expressed his desire to let fans get to know him better. He acknowledged that he had been more closed off in the past, but now, as he has grown older and more mature, he believes it is important to allow people to see a different side of him.

One aspect of Orton’s life that will be explored in the episode is his time in the United States Marine Corps. After graduating from high school in 1998, Orton made the decision to join the Marines. However, his military career was cut short when he received a bad conduct discharge due to going AWOL twice and disobeying an order.

Orton revealed that he would discuss the circumstances that led to his discharge, shedding light on a chapter of his life that has remained largely unknown to the public. By sharing this part of his past, Orton hopes to provide fans with a better understanding of who he is as a person.

In addition to his military experience, Orton also addressed the allegations against Vince McMahon, the former Chairman of WWE. Orton expressed his disappointment and stated that the claims of misconduct hurt his heart. While he did not go into detail about the specific allegations, his comments indicate his loyalty and support for McMahon.

Fans can catch a glimpse of what to expect from the A&E Biography: Legends episode on Randy Orton through a clip that has been released. The clip features Orton reminiscing about wrestling legends Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant, showcasing his admiration for those who came before him in the industry.

The A&E Biography: Legends series has been a hit among wrestling fans, providing an in-depth look into the lives of some of the most iconic figures in the sport. The episode on Randy Orton promises to be no different, offering a unique perspective on his journey and allowing fans to see a side of him they may not have seen before.

As Orton continues to evolve both in and out of the ring, it is clear that he is committed to connecting with his fans on a deeper level. The A&E Biography: Legends episode will serve as a platform for him to share his story and provide insight into the experiences that have shaped him into the wrestler and person he is today.