Latest News: WWE Layoffs Following Endeavor Merger – Wrestlers Temporarily Secure, Future Uncertain

Latest News: WWE Layoffs Following Endeavor Merger – Wrestlers Temporarily Secure, Future Uncertain
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Following WWE President Nick Khan’s memo to HQ employees in Stamford about upcoming post-acquisition layoffs, concerns arose that wrestler cuts might also be on the horizon. However, it appears that WWE NXT and main roster wrestlers will not face mass releases today.

While the layoff memo was issued to office employees, no such warning reached the talent. Although this doesn’t confirm that wrestlers are entirely safe, it suggests they may be spared for the time being. The belief has persisted for months that significant releases could occur in NXT and on the main roster after the Endeavor merger, announced in April. While talent cuts have been reportedly planned for some time, the exact timing remains uncertain, and WWE might hold off for PR reasons.


Today will likely bring significant cuts to WWE HQ as the merger creates TKO Group Holdings. While the exact number of layoffs is unclear among WWE’s roughly 800 employees, redundancies across various departments, including production, sponsorships, licensing, public relations, and human resources, are expected to be addressed. In the past, Endeavor cut $70 million from UFC’s costs within the first 18 months of ownership. It’s unknown if there will be similar layoffs at UFC, as no memo to employees has been reported at this time.

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In the world of professional wrestling, uncertainty looms over the WWE as rumors of potential wrestler cuts circulate. Following WWE President Nick Khan’s memo to headquarters employees in Stamford about upcoming post-acquisition layoffs, concerns arose that wrestlers might also face the chopping block. However, it appears that WWE NXT and main roster wrestlers can breathe a sigh of relief for now, as mass releases are not expected today.

While the layoff memo was specifically issued to office employees, no such warning reached the talent. Although this doesn’t guarantee their safety, it does suggest that wrestlers may be spared from immediate cuts. For months, there has been speculation that significant releases could occur in NXT and on the main roster following the Endeavor merger, which was announced in April. While talent cuts have been reportedly planned for some time, the exact timing remains uncertain, and WWE might choose to delay them for public relations reasons.

Meanwhile, significant cuts are expected to take place at WWE headquarters as the merger creates TKO Group Holdings. The exact number of layoffs among WWE’s approximately 800 employees is unclear, but redundancies across various departments such as production, sponsorships, licensing, public relations, and human resources are expected to be addressed. Endeavor, the parent company of WWE, has a track record of cost-cutting measures, having slashed $70 million from UFC’s expenses within the first 18 months of ownership. It remains unknown if similar layoffs will occur at UFC, as no memo to employees has been reported at this time.

For wrestling enthusiasts, staying up-to-date with all the latest news is crucial. Websites like provide a comprehensive source for wrestling news, ensuring fans don’t miss any important updates. Additionally, following eWrestlingNews on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook allows fans to stay connected and engaged with the wrestling community.

While the future remains uncertain for WWE talent and employees, it is clear that changes are on the horizon. As the wrestling industry evolves, fans and insiders alike will be eagerly watching to see how these developments unfold and what they mean for the future of WWE.