Latest News on Ilja Dragunov’s WWE Future: A Backstage Update

Latest News on Ilja Dragunov’s WWE Future: A Backstage Update
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Ilja Dragunov is not currently set for a call-up to the main roster.

According to a report from Corey Brennan, Dragunov, who will be defending the WWE NXT Championship against Tony D’Angelo at Saturday’s NXT Stand & Deliver pay-per-view event, is not planned for a call-up at this time. With that being said, he is expected to head to the main roster once he does eventually lose the title.

There are several people within WWE NXT who believe that he is “beyond the brand” at this point. Others claim Dragunov has the same mold as GUNTHER, and there are early plans to debut him similarly when he does get called up to the RAW or SmackDown brands.

While there was some speculation among fans that Dragunov may not be inclined to go to the main roster due to his trips back home, WWE has been “more than happy” to work with Dragunov’s schedule.

Additionally, Dragunov has not been considered for the eventual launch of NXT Europe.

Multiple producers in WWE NXT regularly praise Dragunov’s work, with some saying he needs very little direction which is a unique matter on the current roster of the brand.

Finally, it was said that Dragunov is easy to work with and one source called him a “wonderful person to be around.”

Ilja Dragunov: An NXT Champion Staying Put for Now

Ilja Dragunov, the current WWE NXT Champion, is not slated for a call-up to the main roster at this time. While fans may have been speculating about his potential move, a recent report from Corey Brennan confirms that Dragunov will remain in NXT until he eventually drops the title.

Despite not being called up, there is a consensus among many within WWE NXT that Dragunov has outgrown the brand. Some even believe that he is “beyond the brand” and ready for the bigger stage. Comparisons have been drawn between Dragunov and GUNTHER, another NXT talent who recently made his debut on the main roster. Early plans suggest that Dragunov may be introduced in a similar manner when he eventually moves to either RAW or SmackDown.

One concern that fans had regarding Dragunov’s potential call-up was his frequent trips back home. However, WWE has been more than accommodating, showing a willingness to work with his schedule. This indicates that Dragunov’s personal commitments are not a hindrance to his main roster aspirations.

Interestingly, Dragunov has not been considered for the upcoming launch of NXT Europe. This suggests that WWE sees him as a valuable asset to the NXT brand and wants to keep him there for the time being.

Multiple producers in WWE NXT have consistently praised Dragunov’s work ethic and talent. They have noted that he requires very little direction, which sets him apart from many other talents on the current roster. This ability to adapt and excel with minimal guidance speaks volumes about Dragunov’s potential as a future main roster star.

Beyond his professional attributes, Dragunov is also highly regarded as a person. Sources within WWE have described him as easy to work with and a “wonderful person to be around.” This positive reputation further solidifies his standing within the company and suggests that he will be a valuable addition to the main roster when the time comes.

In conclusion, while Ilja Dragunov is not currently set for a call-up to the main roster, there is a strong belief within WWE NXT that he has outgrown the brand. With his impressive in-ring skills, minimal need for direction, and positive reputation, Dragunov is poised to make a significant impact once he eventually moves to RAW or SmackDown. Until then, fans can continue to enjoy his reign as the NXT Champion and eagerly anticipate his future on the main roster.