Latest News: Insider Provides Backstage Update on Kevin Dunn’s Departure from WWE

Latest News: Insider Provides Backstage Update on Kevin Dunn’s Departure from WWE
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Kevin Dunn, a long-time trusted employee of Vince McMahon, worked for WWE for decades, overseeing TV production. He has resigned from WWE.

According to’s Mike Johnson, Dunn is currently exploring opportunities in the film and television industry. 


He added, “It’s also interesting to note that while he was praised on the way out, there continues to be a growing belief that Dunn exited because he felt disrespected and was a ;Vince McMahon Guy’, as one source stated. Let’s be honest – Dunn was THE Vince McMahon Guy.”

Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that “It was Dunn’s decision to leave, which one source said dated back about two months when Endeavor started wanting to make budget cuts to improve profitability in the department and started making decisions on the production side without relying on his opinions. Dunn had been basically autonomous in his position for decades, only having to answer to Vince McMahon. With McMahon out of power many did feel this was inevitable.”

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Kevin Dunn, a long-time employee of WWE and a trusted associate of Vince McMahon, has recently resigned from his position. Dunn, who had been overseeing TV production for the company for decades, is now exploring opportunities in the film and television industry.

According to Mike Johnson of, Dunn’s departure from WWE may have been influenced by a feeling of disrespect and being labeled as a “Vince McMahon Guy.” While he was praised on his way out, there is a growing belief that Dunn felt disrespected and decided to leave the company. It is worth noting that Dunn was considered THE Vince McMahon Guy due to his close association with the WWE Chairman.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported that it was Dunn’s own decision to leave WWE. This decision reportedly stemmed from Endeavor, WWE’s parent company, wanting to make budget cuts to improve profitability in the department. As a result, decisions were being made on the production side without relying on Dunn’s opinions. For decades, Dunn had enjoyed autonomy in his position, only answering to Vince McMahon. With McMahon no longer in power, many within the industry believed that Dunn’s departure was inevitable.

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While Kevin Dunn’s resignation marks the end of an era in WWE, it also opens up new opportunities for him in the film and television industry. As a seasoned professional with extensive experience in TV production, Dunn’s expertise and knowledge will undoubtedly be sought after in his future endeavors. Only time will tell where his career path will lead him next.