Lash Legend On Her WWE NXT Rivals – ‘F**ck Them H*es’

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In a recent Up NXT video for WWE’s SnapChat channel, Lash Legend revealed some personal anecdotes from her life prior to signing with WWE.

Legend shared a few stories from her cheerleading and basketball career before throwing barbs at Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On her most embarrassing moment in public: “So I don’t know if a lot of you guys know, but I was a competition cheerleader. Not only was I a competition cheerleader, but I won Worlds in competition cheerleading. During that time, I had a big competition, and they wanted us to all look in unison, so we had our uniform, and our hair had to be in unison. So we wore ponytails that you add to your hair. You know, the extensions. I was doing my roundoff back handspring, back handspring, back handspring, just flipping, and on my second to last flip, that ponytail flipped up off my head right into the crowd and right in front of the judges. So that was lovely.”

On her WNBA history and how she pursued success: “So obviously, I was drafted to the WNBA. Before then, I was an All-American in college. I played for Texas A&M and Mississippi State, and those [days] were an awesome time in my life. But I would say I was a power forward. If you didn’t know, this is position three and four, small forward/power forward. During those times, technically, I was undersized in that sport. But what got me through is that I always had grit, desire, and a passion to want to outwork everybody, and just want to bully everybody like I do now.”

On her current rivals in NXT: “First of all, f*ck them h*es. Because if you trying to run up on me and Jakara, you gonna’ get done up. So we gonna’ see you real soon. Are we gonna’ get our lick back? Of course, we’re gonna’ get our lick back. What kind of question is that?”

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