Larry Zbyszko recounted that he was expelled from the bathroom unclothed by Andre the Giant.

Larry Zbyszko recounted that he was expelled from the bathroom unclothed by Andre the Giant.
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Larry Zbyszko, a WWE Hall of Famer, recently shared a memorable anecdote about the late Andre The Giant on the “Wrestling Shoot Interviews” podcast.

Below are key highlights from Zbyzsko’s interview:

While narrating an incident of a playful trick he played on Andre after a wrestling match, Larry Zbyzsko said: “During one event, Andre tried to lift me for an after-match celebration. However, this time I decided to play a prank. As Andre lifted me up, I yelled, ‘Whoa, Whoa, Whoa’, and intentionally fell from his hold. From his reaction, ‘Oh’, it was clear that Andre thought he had dropped me. Then as I lay on the ground pretending to be unconscious, Andre bent over in worry. However, I couldn’t contain my laughter and Andre realised that I had pranked him. and his serious worry turned into, ‘You b*d.’”

Zbyzsko went on to describe how Andre the Giant paid him back in kind for his prank. “Dressed in just my underwear, I was passing the room where all the boys were sitting on my way to the restroom. As I entered, Andre seized me, forcibly opened the door and pushed me out in the corridor. And as if this embarrassment was not enough, he tugged at my underwear pulling it off and then bolted the door from inside. The entire room echoed with laughter as I was left standing in the corridor, completely naked. ‘Oh my God, I’m standing exposed in the corridor, open the door, you b*ds.’ I cursed, but found no sympathy, everyone was too busy enjoying my predicament. And nobody dared to contradict Andre’s decision. That was Andre’s retribution for playing a prank on him.”

For those interested, the full video of Larry Zbyszko’s interview can be found below: [embedded content]