Lacey Evans Reveals Why She Left WWE, New Gig Revealed

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Lacey Evans departed from WWE earlier this week and is planning to open a café.

Speaking during a recent interview with The Island News, Macey Estrella (Lacey Evans) announced that she’ll be holding a grand opening for “The Sunny Summers Café” on Monday at 11:00 AM EST in Beaufort, South Carolina.


As far as her release from WWE is concerned, Estrella said that while she is very grateful for her time in the company, all of the travel made it hard for her to be with her family. She said,

“I thought I could be of more assistance fighting a different fight than in the WWE ring. I want to focus on helping my community to fight against addiction and fight on the mental health side to normalize mental health issues.”

The name of Estrella’s new café was inspired by the names of her daughters, Summer and Sunny. The plan is to make the café available to organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and they are planning to offer free coffee and donuts to those who come to the meetings.

Evans ended by saying she wants her café to be a place where “people can come in and unplug from their devices, but also unplug from their minds as well.” She added, “The cellphone has replaced your computer. The cellphone has replaced your camera. Don’t let it replace your family.”

There will also be a “Cellphone Jail” where if you put your phone in it while in the shop, you will receive a free donut.

The café will be open from 5 AM to 6 PM each day. You can find more information at this link.

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