LA Knight Reveals How His ‘Yeah!’ Catchphrase Came Into Being

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During a recent appearance on WWE’s ‘The Bump,’ LA Knight revealed the origins of his “Yeah!” catchphrase.

According to Knight, the iconic catchphrase took shape during his first run at the WWE Performance Center (2013-2014).


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On the catchphrase gaining traction: “It was something that just kinda happened somewhat accidentally. Me just walking around the Performance Center the first time around when I was here … this thing should’ve taken off years ago, didn’t get there.”

On how it began: “I was walking around the Performance Center and they were quoting me. Why? I’m a quotable guy, as you can kinda’ see. Things were happening, whatever, I’d be walking the halls, they’d say whatever and I’d say, ‘Yeah!’ and it just became a thing.”

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