Kurt Angle Took 12 Shots of Novocaine Before Each Match at the Olympics (Exclusive Interview)

Kurt Angle Took 12 Shots of Novocaine Before Each Match at the Olympics (Exclusive Interview)
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An insightful conversation was recently conducted with the Olympic Gold Medalist and WWE Hall of Famer, Kurt Angle. Throughout this one-on-one, he shared enlightening moments with comedian Casey Salengo, delving into a multitude of subjects. Most notably, he discussed how he surmounted the challenge of securing an Olympic Gold Medal, all while grappling with a broken neck. The full conversation is set to be unveiled later. Below is what Kurt Angle outlined during the discussion:

Discussing how he triumphed in winning an Olympic Gold Medal despite his broken neck, Angle said:

“It was a matter of sheer courage. I was prepared to risk my physical health, and potentially even my life, for wrestling. Physicians advised me that wrestling was out of question and if I happened to fall on my head again, I might face paralysis or even death. However, I located a doctor who guided me through both the Olympic trials and the actual Olympic games.”

The method involved the innovative idea of injecting 12 different Novocaine shots into his neck just five minutes prior to every match. The upside was that he wouldn’t feel any pain thereby forgetting about his broken neck. The issue was that an hour post-match, he’d be in unbearable pain as the effects of the Novocaine wore off. “If you can handle that,” the doctor said, “let’s proceed.” To which, Kurt agreed.

The strategy worked successfully for Angle. He emerged victorious in the Olympic trials, and then repeated the procedure at the Olympics triumphing there as well. “It was solely through divine intervention, and I’m forever thankful for it,” he added.

Additionally, Kurt Angle clarified why he couldn’t face John Cena during his retirement match.

Keep your eyes open for the complete interview to be published. Please give full credit to eWrestlingNews.com when sharing this excerpt.

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