Kurt Angle shared that Gable Steveson expressed his aspiration to surpass him in accomplishments.

Kurt Angle shared that Gable Steveson expressed his aspiration to surpass him in accomplishments.
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In a recent chat with One True Sport, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle shared that ex-WWE star and Olympic Gold Medalist Gable Steveson once expressed hopes of surpassing him. Angle also shared his views on Steveson’s decision to sign with the Buffalo Bills.

Here are the highlight of Angle’s conversation:

Discussing Steveson’s decision to join the Buffalo Bills, Angle stated, “To be honest, it doesn’t surprise me. The young lad is truly a phenomenal athlete. If you consider Brock Lesnar an athlete, Steveson might just edge him slightly. It’s hard for me to admit that, given the absolutely remarkable athleticism of Brock, especially at his size. They’re both exceptional athletes, but Steveson is diverse, quick and incredibly athletic. The sight of him performing standing backflips even though he’s a 250-pound muscle-man is simply astonishing.”

When it came to Steveson directly joining the main team, Angle noted: “The truth is I did anticipate him signing up with the Buffalo Bills team. What I didn’t foresee was them not placing him in the practice team initially, considering he hasn’t played football at a varsity level. However, I truly believe he’s going to have a significant impact right off the bat. His talent is once-in-a-lifetime, and that’s exactly how I regard him.”

Angle also shared how Steveson expressed his aspirations to him, “The first time we met, he respectfully told me, ‘Kurt Angle, I’ve looked up to your career and aspire to be as successful as you.’ To this, I said, ‘I appreciate that, Gable.’ Almost instantaneously, he replied, ‘In fact, I aim to be even better than you.’ That reacted left me slightly stunned. [laughs] It came across as quite bold [laughs]. To which I told him, ‘Well, here’s wishing you all the luck, mate.’”

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