Kurt Angle Opens Up About Living in Constant Pain (Exclusive Interview)

Kurt Angle Opens Up About Living in Constant Pain (Exclusive Interview)
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Kurt Angle Opens Up About Living in Constant Pain (Exclusive Interview)

We were fortunate enough to have an in-depth conversation with the esteemed Olympic Gold Medallist and an inductee of WWE Hall of Fame, Kurt Angle.

During our discussion, he candidly shared his experiences with the stand-up comedian Casey Salengo on a multitude of subjects. One of the central topics being his chronic pain maintenance, stemmed from his extensive wrestling career. We are anticipating releasing the complete discussion at the end of this week.

Regarding Kurt Angle’s methods to handle persistent pain due to his years in the wrestling ring:

“Beyond a point, when you have diminishing disc space between each vertebra, they’re bound to ultimately fuse together. That’s precisely what transpired with my neck in recent years. I no longer have any disc left and all that remains is the vertebrae. The discomfort I go through is severe, and there isn’t anything doctors can do for me. I had pondered getting rubber disc replacements, but since my neck fused naturally, there isn’t any disc left to replace.

Now, I find myself in a tough spot, but I’ve adapted and learned how to manage it. I carry out a lot of maintenance exercises to keep it as flexible as I can. The decreased muscle mass has led to a loss of about three inches in both my arms, also impacting my neck and chest. It’s quite absurd, how much your neck governs in your body. I bear the brunt of it every single day and pay the dues for the career I chose.”

Apart from this: Kurt Angle Narrates an Amusing Incident of How He Ended Up Dropping His Trousers in Front Of Vince McMahon

Keep an eye out for the full interview, and if you plan on sharing it, kindly credit eWrestlingNews.com.