Kris Statlander is due for a significant pounding, according to Willow Nightingale.

Kris Statlander is due for a significant pounding, according to Willow Nightingale.
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In the most recent airing of AEW Rampage on Friday, Willow Nightingale solidified her place in the Women’s Owen Hart Foundation semi-finals. She emerged victorious against Serena Deeb in their heated quarterfinal face-off.

Post-match, Nightingale expressed her sentiments about her successful bout and relayed a stern message to Kris Statlander, her forthcoming rival.

In her own words, Nightingale reflected, “Roughly a year ago, I was donning the same beautiful pink gear I wore today. Why? Because it’s the same gear I wore when I triumphed in the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. This year, 2024, I have set my sights on repeating that victory. Tonight’s battle with Serena Deeb was intense. I misplaced a contact and had my vision impaired mid-match; I even scraped my lip. But those are the trials and tribulations of wrestling. Looking ahead, my next match is against Kris Statlander. Statlander, you’ve deeply hurt me, and I’ve grappled with that pain and moved beyond it. Well, perhaps ‘moved on’ might not be accurate, but I’ve dealt with the heartbreak. Now, it’s fueling my anger and determination. So Statlander, prepare yourself for a fierce and fiery bout,” warned Nightingale.

A post on the official AEW twitter handle reaffirms Nightingale’s fortitude. It offers an exclusive look at Nightingale post her victorious round, underscoring her resolute approach towards her forthcoming match with Statlander.