Kris Statlander Addresses The Possibility Of A Potential AEW Roster Split

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In a recent interview with Haus of Wrestling, newly crowned AEW TBS Champion Kris Statlander shared her thoughts on the possibility of a potential AEW roster split.

According to several reports, AEW could possibly be dividing the roster between its three brands following the premiere of AEW Collision on June 17.


Statlander noted that even if a roster split is on the horizon, it likely won’t form a hardline separation.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On the scope and impact of the supposed brand split: “Yeah, I think it’s kind of a split, but not fully. I think hopefully you will be able to see some talent be on both shows. But I do think that it’s a good opportunity to get more people television time. But I think that if people are willing to show up and — It’s also exciting knowing, like, you never know. Knowing that you’re only going to see some people on some days, that’s great, but also seeing someone show up on a Saturday and then they’re like, ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe they’re here. I wonder who they’re gonna work with and stuff.’ I think that’s also — I like the mystery and the surprise. I feel like everyone wants to know everything all the time in wrestling, and it makes me sad because, don’t you just want to enjoy the moment and feel that surprise? I feel like everyone takes that for granted nowadays. Everyone wants to know everything and be the first to know, but I think the beauty of wrestling is not knowing what’s going to happen.”

On if the women’s division will have enough coverage for both brands: “I think so. I think people don’t realize how many women there actually are because it is a very small fraction of the show most of the time. I don’t think it’s going to be much of an issue, especially with the opportunity to possibly get to go to both shows. I think we’ll be able to provide what people are hoping for. I think we’ll be able to step up and make it worth it.”

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