Konnan’s ‘Fingerpoke of Doom’ significantly irritated numerous wrestlers.

Konnan’s ‘Fingerpoke of Doom’ significantly irritated numerous wrestlers.
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During a recent episode of the popular podcast, “Busted Open Radio,” the renowned former WCW and WWE champion Konnan shared his thoughts about the downfall of WCW, and discussed why the notorious Fingerpoke of Doom caused discontent among numerous wrestlers.

Here are some important points he made during the podcast:

Discussing the disappointment and frustration sparked by the Fingerpoke of Doom, Konnan shared his incredulity saying, “The Fingerpoke of Doom [evoked the response] ‘What the hl is happening here?’ I was taken aback. There were individuals present during the show — I remember having a discussion with Goldberg about it. I was present, and the audience was livid. They were expressing their dissatisfaction quite vocally saying, ‘What on earth? This is nonsense.’ I was equally infuriated.”

Talking about how negatively the climax of Starrcade ’97 affected WCW, Konnan stated, “The incident involving Sting was disastrous. Remember that scene where they were supposed to spill a bucket of blood on Nash, and it missed him entirely? That mishap happened not once, but twice.”

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