Konnan Discusses His Bonds with Eric Bischoff, While AJ Francis Regards Mark Henry as His Second Father.

Konnan Discusses His Bonds with Eric Bischoff, While AJ Francis Regards Mark Henry as His Second Father.
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In a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, AAA’s primary strategist, Konnan, opened up about his history and relationship with Eric Bischoff. He revealed that although they are quite good friends at present, their relationship has experienced several substantial frictions in the past.

Konnan articulated, “Eric is underappreciated for numerous accomplishments he has achieved. We share a solid friendship now. However, he did commit a fair share of missteps. It was evident he was progressively burning out. Initially, when Eric arrived, he was approachable and cooperative… [however], after two or three years, we were frequently at loggerheads. We had been at odds quite a lot, particularly over him stripping off Rey Mysterio’s mask despite my advice against it. This sparked a significant dispute between us.

In another segment of the same edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, AJ Francis, the current TNA Digital Media Champion, shared heartfelt thoughts about his close connection with WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry, fondly referring to him as a “second dad.” He even touched upon Henry’s key role in glorifying his participation at MLW Battle Riot VI.

Expounding further, Francis stated, “Not everyone is aware of this, but Mark has been like a surrogate father to me, and not just because he bears an uncanny resemblance to my actual father. He has extended his support significantly, particularly in this field, always ready to share valuable advice and extend a supportive hand, frequently introducing me to industry connections. I had no knowledge Mark was going to be one of the respected elders until I showed up for the event. Having someone like Mark boost the event with his added ‘oomph’ to ensure a larger viewership was miraculous. I am forever grateful to Mark and Teddy.