Kiyah Saint is Unsure of the Reason for Her Departure from WWE.

Kiyah Saint is Unsure of the Reason for Her Departure from WWE.
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Early in May, Kiyah Saint along several WWE NXT performers were let go by the company. Post-departure, Kiyah took to YouTube to share a discussion about her release.

Kiyah, a former WWE NXT Superstar, acknowledged that she is uncertain about the specific reason behind her release.

Highlights from Kiyah’s video are as follows:

Reg. uncertainty about her release: “Most individuals are keen to know why I decided to part ways with WWE. It wasn’t my choice to leave, I was asked to. I received a ‘release order’. Some people inquire why I was released, an answer to which I am oblivious. Despite doing everything seemingly right and bringing no troubles/issues, they decided to let go of me. I assume they didn’t see any requirement for Kiyah Saint at the PC; a misfortune solely for them and not for me.”

When she discovered about her release: “On May 3 when I learned about my release from a call received from Stanford, Connecticut. The release information is given over a call by a random person who is not your boss or a work colleague. I was informed that my contract had been terminated and if I had any queries. I asked why I was being released. She replied vaguely saying, ‘Creative didn’t have any needs for you ‘at the moment.’ I wonder, what does ‘at the moment’ signifies? It implies that new opportunities may come in the future. If you intend to fire someone, refrain from using ‘at the moment’ phrase as it sends mixed signals. Just be to-the-point and mention that nothing creative is planned for you.”

She hadn’t predicted her release so early: “Several strange instances lead up to the release. They weren’t utilizing my services and I felt like being sidelined once again. Consequently, I leaned heavily on my faith, fostering a closer connection with God. It helped me to transition smoothly. I am aware that everything in life is temporary thus, it’s essential to make the most of each moment. I feel that I optimally utilized my 18-month stint with WWE. While I feel a bit disappointed due to lack of opportunities, it’s okay as things move on.”

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