Kevin Patrick continues to reveal reasons for his dismissal from WWE.

Kevin Patrick continues to reveal reasons for his dismissal from WWE.
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Former WWE figure, Kevin Patrick, joined Richard Deitsch on the Sports Media Podcast to reflect on his departure from the company, its fan base’s need for a more committed figure, amongst other topics.

Below, you can view some of Patrick’s main points from the podcast:

When discussing his departure, Patrick noted that a conflict of interests was beginning to emerge. He stated, “There was a growing conflict with my football commitments. If I were in Boise, Idaho hosting SmackDown of a Friday night, it would be impossible to be in the New York studio by Saturday one o’clock. This conflict was becoming imminent. Additionally, I was not WWE’s long-haul choice. They require someone who can fully commit. Michael Cole, for instance, has only missed two shows in 27 years..”

Addressing the WWE fans, Patrick shared his belief that “They deserve better. They need someone in my previous role who can give more commitment. It was right for me to leave at the time. After multiple conversations with Michael Cole, we agreed that my departure would be best for all involved. We parted on good terms and continue to keep in touch. Although I had been released, I let Michael know that he was the best boss I ever had. Being part of WWE was a great phase of my life. To this day, I harbour no hard feelings about my exit. I believe it worked for all parties, including for what is now shown on TV. I am now fully committed to what I am doing and absolutely love it. I do plan on visiting when WWE comes to Atlanta and reconnecting with some old friends.”

As for reactions from his colleagues at WWE: “Numerous people reached out after I left. Many reassured, as Becky [Lynch] did, when I explained that my departure was in fact a good thing: for me and WWE. It was a necessary move that led to great relief. When in Ireland last Christmas, my mother cited the geographical and physical toll of my schedule as potential health risks. She pointed out that my dual commitments just didn’t make sense. That phase of my life has passed, and it has made me a better individual and a better broadcaster. I am grateful for the experience but also for not being there presently.”