Kevin Nash’s Positive Remarks on Heel Rock and Predictions on Roman Reigns Surpassing Hulk Hogan’s Title Reign

Kevin Nash’s Positive Remarks on Heel Rock and Predictions on Roman Reigns Surpassing Hulk Hogan’s Title Reign
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On a recent edition of his “Kliq This” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash discussed Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson turning heel by slapping Cody Rhodes at the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff press conference last week, and how Roman Reigns could surpass Hulk Hogan’s 1980s title reign.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On The Rock as a heel: “People forget how good of a f***ing heel Rock was, and people also forget how quick in Toronto [WrestleMania 18] Rock made the adjustment on Hogan when the building made the adjustment with Hulk.”

On his belief that Roman Reigns will surpass Hulk Hogan’s title reign: “I think that they’re going to want for Roman to be of the modern generation, the longest champ. I think they want to erase the Hogan era, they do. I think they want to start basically clean from that era. If you ever are going to do that, you’re about 200 days away from it right now.”

At present, it appears that The Rock has sided with Roman Reigns, who will defend the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against Cody Rhodes in the main event of WrestleMania 40 (Night Two).

In the world of professional wrestling, there are few names as iconic as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Hulk Hogan. These two legends have left an indelible mark on the industry, captivating audiences with their larger-than-life personalities and incredible in-ring skills. Recently, there has been speculation about The Rock’s potential return to the WWE and his role in WrestleMania 40, as well as the possibility of Roman Reigns surpassing Hogan’s legendary title reign from the 1980s.

During a recent episode of his “Kliq This” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash weighed in on these topics and shared his thoughts on The Rock’s potential heel turn and Reigns’ chances of surpassing Hogan’s record-breaking title reign.

Nash first discussed The Rock’s ability to portray a heel character, stating, “People forget how good of a f***ing heel Rock was, and people also forget how quick in Toronto [WrestleMania 18] Rock made the adjustment on Hogan when the building made the adjustment with Hulk.” This comment highlights The Rock’s versatility as a performer and his ability to adapt to different roles within the wrestling world. Despite being one of the most beloved figures in WWE history, The Rock proved that he could effectively play the villain when necessary.

Moving on to Reigns, Nash expressed his belief that the WWE wants Reigns to surpass Hogan’s title reign and essentially start fresh from that era. He stated, “I think that they’re going to want for Roman to be of the modern generation, the longest champ. I think they want to erase the Hogan era, they do. I think they want to start basically clean from that era.” Nash’s comments suggest that the WWE is looking to establish Reigns as a dominant champion and create a new legacy separate from Hogan’s.

The speculation surrounding The Rock’s involvement in WrestleMania 40 further adds to the excitement surrounding these potential storylines. It is currently rumored that The Rock has aligned himself with Reigns, who will be defending the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against Cody Rhodes in the main event of WrestleMania 40 (Night Two). This matchup has generated significant buzz among fans, as it combines the star power of The Rock with the rising popularity of Reigns and the undeniable talent of Rhodes.

While nothing is set in stone, the possibility of The Rock turning heel and Reigns surpassing Hogan’s title reign has generated considerable discussion within the wrestling community. These potential developments could reshape the landscape of the WWE and create new opportunities for storytelling and character development.

As fans eagerly await WrestleMania 40, they can only speculate on what surprises and twists await them. Whether The Rock embraces his villainous side once again or Reigns achieves a historic title reign, one thing is for certain: the world of professional wrestling is always full of surprises and excitement.