Kevin Nash & Tommy Dreamer React To John Cena’s Heel Promo On RAW

Kevin Nash & Tommy Dreamer React To John Cena’s Heel Promo On RAW
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On the recent episode of “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Tommy Dreamer shared his views regarding the notable transformation of John Cena into a heel and his powerful promo on WWE RAW’s most recent installment. Additionally, he touched on some unsolved mysteries about Cena’s character transformation.

Highlighted below are some key points from the podcast:

Discussing Cena’s dramatic change to a “heel”, Dreamer remarked, “This is an exciting and unbelievable transformation phase for John Cena. I foresee him incorporating simple gestures, like walking out during a fight, which would cause major uproar. In essence, here’s a man that everyone perceived as loyal, never throwing in the towel, always standing for good. Now suddenly, he’s contradicting everything we have come to know him for. Importantly, he placed all the blame on the fans for this shift, which is a genius approach as he conveyed his disappointment about trying too hard to win their approval. This has earned him a lot of genuine connections with the viewers”.

Further on unresolved issues, Dreamer raised the question, “why did he unite forces with The Rock? At this point, my interest is solely on Cena’s transformation, however, the questions need answers. Even though Cena provided some clarity, it’s not totally conclusive. He did hint at some profound disdain for fans and the WWE Universe overall, suggesting a future payback. He sinisterly mentioned their purchases of his merchandise, implying it would ease the process.”

Furthermore, wrestling legend Kevin Nash has also shared his views, praising Cena’s heel promo on RAW as “brilliant” on his “Kliq This” podcast.

Here are a few highlights from this podcast:

Regarding Cena’s heel promo on RAW, Nash disclosed, “I sent a message to Cody Rhodes after the episode. I thought he did an exceptional job, knowing full well that Cena wasn’t at the venue. He addressed it quite well, confirming our expectations of seeing Cena in Brussels. The audience began their chants for Cena, to which Cody smoothly responded, ‘Hey, we’re live on Netflix.’ This reversed the crowd’s support, shifting them to Rhodes’ side. I believe this is an expertise many lack. An incredibly limited number can manage to do that.”

Discussing Rhodes’s progress in WWE, Nash commented, “It is indeed heartwarming to see him finally attaining his much-deserved recognition.”

You can check out Nash’s podcast episode here:

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