Kevin Nash reveals that The Rock’s return to WWE was driven by PR motives

Kevin Nash reveals that The Rock’s return to WWE was driven by PR motives
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On a recent edition of his “Kliq This” podcast, Kevin Nash discussed Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s recent SmackDown return opposite Austin Theory.

According to Nash, The Rock’s WWE return during the ongoing Hollywood strikes makes perfect sense with respect to protecting his personal brand.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On Johnson’s appearance with Theory at SmackDown: “He looked great. It looks like he put on 15 pounds from the Colorado game [laughs]. They went through the list, and Theory is young, right? Like 26 [years old], something like that? The list of guys he’s worked with already, woo. I really thought that he held his own in there.”

On why Johnson would choose to come back to WWE now: “Well number one, to keep his brand strong. Who knows how long [the SAG-AFTRA strike] will go on. Dwayne is double pinched in this, because not only is Dwayne a member of the Screen Actors Guild as an actor, but he’s also a producer, so [he has] a pension health plan. I don’t think he’s doing it for the payday, but he’s definitely doing it from a PR standpoint. I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing to come back to where you started and show the world you’re the biggest star in [Hollywood].”

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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s recent return to WWE SmackDown has generated a lot of buzz among fans and wrestling enthusiasts. The Rock, who has transitioned into a successful Hollywood actor, made his comeback during the ongoing Hollywood strikes. In a recent episode of the “Kliq This” podcast, Kevin Nash discussed why The Rock’s return makes perfect sense in terms of protecting his personal brand.

Nash highlighted that The Rock’s decision to return to WWE during the Hollywood strikes is a strategic move to safeguard his personal brand. With uncertainty surrounding the duration of the strikes, Johnson is taking proactive steps to ensure that his brand remains strong. Nash also pointed out that The Rock’s involvement in the wrestling industry not only showcases his talent but also reinforces his status as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood.

During his appearance on SmackDown, The Rock teamed up with Austin Theory, a young and promising talent in the wrestling world. Nash praised Theory for holding his own in the ring with The Rock, despite his relative inexperience compared to other wrestlers The Rock has worked with in the past. This collaboration not only provided an opportunity for Theory to showcase his skills but also allowed The Rock to pass on his knowledge and elevate Theory’s profile.

Nash further explained that The Rock’s return to WWE is not solely motivated by financial gain. As a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and a producer, The Rock is affected by the ongoing strikes both as an actor and as someone with a pension health plan. However, Nash believes that The Rock’s decision to return to WWE is primarily driven by a desire to maintain a strong public relations presence. By returning to where he started and demonstrating his star power, The Rock solidifies his position as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood.

The podcast episode also featured highlights from The Rock’s appearance on SmackDown with Austin Theory. Fans were impressed by The Rock’s physical appearance and his ability to captivate the audience. The Rock’s return to WWE has undoubtedly generated excitement among wrestling fans, and his presence serves as a reminder of his impact on the industry.

In conclusion, The Rock’s recent return to WWE SmackDown during the Hollywood strikes is a strategic move to protect his personal brand. By maintaining a strong presence in both Hollywood and the wrestling industry, The Rock ensures that his star power remains intact. His collaboration with Austin Theory not only showcases the young talent’s abilities but also allows The Rock to pass on his knowledge and elevate Theory’s career. The Rock’s return to WWE serves as a testament to his status as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and reinforces his connection with his roots in professional wrestling.