Kevin Nash Critiques Potential WrestleMania 41 Match, Mark Henry Talks Andre The Giant

Kevin Nash Critiques Potential WrestleMania 41 Match, Mark Henry Talks Andre The Giant
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During an episode of his “Kliq This” podcast, WWE icon and Hall of Famer Kevin Nash shared his thoughts on the recent turn of events in the Women’s World Title scene on RAW, especially focusing on IYO SKY’s victory over Rhea Ripley. He also voiced his critique on the potential match-up between Ripley, SKY, and Bianca Belair at next month’s WrestleMania 41.

Below are some interesting excerpts from the podcast:

Regarding SKY’s win over Ripley, Nash said, “Ripley’s loss doesn’t seem plausible. She’s definitely got the upper hand, being physically stronger and bigger. I think it’s absolute nonsense. The crowd in Buffalo surely stArted expressing their disbelief… I acknowledge that SKY is a dedicated professional, and this is a milestone in her career. My happiness for her aside, the storyline just was not up to my expectations.”

Touching upon the anticipated Triple Threat match involving Rhea Ripley, IYO SKY, and Bianca Belair, Nash was blunt, “If this turns out to be a three-way, I’m certainly not tuning in… it’s impossible to bring any novelty to it. After being part of countless such contests, I can confidently say they are all monotonous. The double knockdown, picking up the opponent, that’s all there is. Triple matches just can’t provide the needed excitement.”

During a recent visit to Monopoly Events’ For The Love of Wrestling convention held in Manchester, England, another wrestling legend, Mark Henry recounted a childhood encounter with Andre The Giant. He said,

“I can claim that Andre The Giant was my all-time favourite wrestler. I remember running down the ramp, high-fiving and touching fans on my way to the ring. Kids knocked into me resulting me falling. That’s when Andre walked up to the ring, lifted me up and got me back on the other side of the barricade. A memory cherished till date.”

Henry continued,“That incident is deeply etched in my memory. I always try to recreate a similar experience for others. The question is, how can I instill the same kind of emotions in them, and what do I need to do for that? This is what embodies great wrestling, a fact that somehow gets overlooked. Instead of showcasing acrobatic moves like 450s and Canadian Destroyers, wrestlers should shift their focus towards creating unforgettable experiences for the audience who spend a considerable amount to be there, often without getting what they hoped for.”