Kevin Nash believes that David Arquette’s victory for the WCW Title was more detrimental than the Finger Poke of Doom incident.

Kevin Nash believes that David Arquette’s victory for the WCW Title was more detrimental than the Finger Poke of Doom incident.
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On the latest episode of his podcast “Kliq This”, Kevin Nash shared his views on several subjects, one of which was the controversial WCW World Championship win by David Arquette. Nash opined that Arquette’s championship victory was a bigger blight on WCW’s legacy than the infamous Finger Poke Of Doom incident.

Nash made his thoughts on various aspects of the incident known in the podcast:

Concerning Arquette’s World Championship win, Nash said “The bizarre part is, I couldn’t even recall that Arquette had ever been champion… But scarier than the Finger Poke? Doesn’t that speak volumes about the ill-advised decision to make David Arquette champion?”

Commenting on Eric Bischoff’s statement that everyone was fine with the decision, Nash said “Then they switch to Dallas, and he’s like, ‘You must be joking!’ which was pretty clear that Dallas wasn’t privy to the plan!”

Discussing the impact of Arquette’s win on the wider media world, Nash stated “Negative. The only one who got any mainstream coverage was Owen. Even the most horrific acts draw media attention. But did it anger you, sure. So, did it ignite any interest or controversy? Yes, if by ‘interest’ you mean, ‘change-the-channel-and-never-return’ type of controversy.”

In other news, WWE Hall of Famer, Jimmy Hart, is set to be inducted into the Memphis Music Hall of Fame. The induction is slated for the Hall’s 2024 class. It’s worth noting that Hart was the lead singer of The Gentrys during the ’60s and ’70s.

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