On a recent edition of his “Kliq This” podcast, Kevin Nash discussed the circumstances that led to his title reigns in the early 1990s.
Vince McMahon pushed Nash front and center for WWE and made him the longest-reigning champion of the decade.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On being pushed as a champion by WWE: “My thing is this, I went from f**king Oz to having the IC, Tag, and World Title in three years. Even though I was the lowest-drawing champion of all time or whatever people want to say about me, I still am the longest-reigning champion in the 1990s which [includes] the Attitude Era. I just happened to be the president during the depression. I wouldn’t change it. The reason I got everything I did … after the drug trials … I read someone say ‘You’re a good-looking giant dude — that’s why you got to where you got.’ No f**king shit! I was the biggest dude … I was lean and clean. That’s why I got pushed.”
On his reaction to being tapped as the front man for WWE: “I was just a guy Vince chose. What was I supposed to say? No?”
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Kevin Nash Reflects on His Title Reigns in the Early 1990s
In a recent episode of his podcast “Kliq This,” former professional wrestler Kevin Nash opened up about the circumstances that led to his title reigns in the early 1990s. Nash, who was pushed by Vince McMahon and became the longest-reigning champion of the decade, shared his thoughts and experiences during that time.
Nash began by acknowledging his rapid rise in the wrestling industry. He mentioned how he went from being known as “Oz” to holding the Intercontinental (IC), Tag Team, and World titles within just three years. Despite being labeled as the lowest-drawing champion of all time, Nash proudly stated that he still holds the record for the longest reign as champion in the 1990s, which includes the iconic Attitude Era.
Reflecting on his success, Nash attributed it to a combination of factors. He acknowledged that his physical appearance played a significant role in his push. Standing at an impressive height and possessing a lean and clean physique, Nash admitted that being a good-looking giant dude certainly worked in his favor. He didn’t shy away from acknowledging this advantage and expressed no regrets about it.
Nash also addressed the criticism he faced regarding his abilities as a champion. Despite being aware of the negative comments, he remained unbothered. He compared himself to a president during a depression, implying that he was in the right place at the wrong time. Nash’s reign coincided with a period of declining popularity for professional wrestling, commonly referred to as the “Monday Night Wars.” Nevertheless, he maintained a positive outlook and stated that he wouldn’t change anything about his journey.
When asked about his reaction to being chosen as the front man for WWE, Nash admitted that he simply went along with Vince McMahon’s decision. He humorously questioned what else he could have done in that situation, stating, “What was I supposed to say? No?” Nash’s response highlights his understanding of the business and his willingness to seize opportunities when they presented themselves.
Throughout the podcast, Nash’s candidness and self-awareness shine through. He doesn’t shy away from acknowledging the circumstances that contributed to his success, nor does he downplay the challenges he faced. Nash’s story serves as a reminder that success in any field often involves a combination of talent, timing, and seizing the right opportunities.
As fans continue to reminisce about the wrestling industry’s past, Kevin Nash’s reflections provide valuable insights into the behind-the-scenes workings of professional wrestling during the early 1990s. His journey serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of the industry and the importance of making the most of the opportunities that come one’s way.
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