Kenny Omega shares about his most underappreciated bouts in AEW.

Kenny Omega shares about his most underappreciated bouts in AEW.
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In a recent live Twitch broadcast, wrestling superstar Kenny Omega weighed in on his undervalued matches in AEW.

Omega singled out two specific matches that he felt didn’t receive the recognition they deserved.

One match that sprung to Omega’s mind was his gruelling Iron Man showdown with PAC, a highlight of the episode of Dynamite aired on February 26, 2020. He also cited his bout with Christian Cage, showcased on AEW Rampage’s very first episode. During the latter encounter, Cage snatched the Impact World Championship from Omega.

The renowned ‘Cleaner’ stated emphatically, “Which underrated matches from my AEW career readily spring to mind? There are two. The initial one on one with Christian and the Iron Man contest against PAC.”