Katana Chance and Kayden Carter defeated Piper Niven and Chelsea Green to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships this week on WWE RAW.
On a recent edition of WWE’s “The Bump,” the new champions discussed their landmark title win.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
Carter on the most memorable moment of their win: “I guess for me, it’s just knowing that everything and how long we’ve been together, and really wanting, like a dream for us. If we find this video from way back when, it’s years and years ago, it was a YouTube video that we did at the PC. It was like, ‘What do you want to do?’ We’re like, ‘We want to be the first-ever NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.’ It was just like, we want to be a tag team together, and all this other stuff. That night solidified everything we’ve ever dreamed of, and it finally turned into reality for us. That for me, the win itself, with her, was everything, for the last four or five years that we’ve been talking about together. So that’s great.”
Chance on the win: “It’s been such a long journey for her together as a tag team, all the goals we wanted to achieve, and we’ve done a lot so far, but this is by far was the biggest night of our lives. For me, the moment of the three count and then hearing the place erupt, you just can’t describe it. I’m feeling all weird inside thinking about it. It’s the best feeling in the world. On top of that, going backstage and seeing how your peers are happy for you, that means the world to us, the people that are like, ‘Congratulations, you’ve earned this, you’ve worked so hard.’ It’s like man, people see the journey. You don’t always know that, but they do.”
Carter on their road to the titles: “It’s amazing. We’ve been through our ups and downs. Words can’t describe it, but being able to, that one, two, three, I blacked out. It didn’t feel real. I was like, is this real? Is this a dream? I think for me, it’s just super [inaudible]. No one can understand all the stuff that we’ve been through, especially if one of us is like, ‘I don’t think we’re gonna make it,’ and she’s like, ‘No, we are.’ Then she’s like, ‘We are gonna make it,’ and I’m like, ‘No, we’re not.’ It’s just back and forth with that banter. No one can really ever understand what we’ve been through together, so that’s why it’s so special to me.”
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Katana Chance and Kayden Carter made history this week by defeating Piper Niven and Chelsea Green to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships on WWE RAW. The new champions recently appeared on WWE’s “The Bump” to discuss their landmark title win.
For Carter, the most memorable moment of their victory was the realization that their dream had finally come true. Years ago, they recorded a YouTube video at the Performance Center where they expressed their desire to become the first-ever NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions. The win solidified everything they had ever dreamed of and turned it into reality. It was a culmination of their hard work and dedication over the past four or five years.
Chance described the win as the biggest night of their lives. The moment of the three count and the eruption of the crowd created an indescribable feeling. Going backstage and receiving congratulations from their peers meant the world to them. It was validation that their hard work had been recognized and appreciated by those around them.
Reflecting on their journey to the titles, Carter expressed how amazing it felt to finally achieve their goal. They had experienced ups and downs along the way, but the victory made it all worth it. It felt surreal, almost like a dream. Their bond as a tag team and the support they provided each other throughout their journey made the win even more special.
In addition to their interview on “The Bump,” fans can watch a video of Alpha Academy, Drew Gulak, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance discussing their win on YouTube.
For more wrestling news, fans can visit eWrestlingNews.com or follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Overall, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter’s win of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships is a significant achievement in their careers. It represents years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Their story serves as inspiration for aspiring wrestlers and showcases the importance of teamwork and support in achieving success in the wrestling industry.